The conference will take a different form to reflect the mature state of the Scorecard used for bench-marking and the need to focus on added value analysis. It will also change to facilitate a greater exchange of information between the member ports; and the desire to collect topic driven data outside the annual scorecard process. To this end member ports are encouraged to engage with the PPS team to nominate topics for discussion and/or submit papers for presentation.

The process required data for the period 2010 to 2017 to match the existing database and add to the bench-marking capacity of the project.

This is the third session of the Port Performance project which follows on the first one that took place in Manila in 2014 and the second that took place in Indonesia in 2015. 

At the Coordination Meeting of the English-speaking network of UNCTAD/TrainForTrade Port Training Programme in Belfast 2013 it was agreed to extend a port performance project to include a workshop of all the network ports. At this workshop the goal will be to agree a set of metrics that can be used as port performance and benchmarking measures, the data collection work to provide the necessary inputs, and the nature of the resultant periodic reporting.

At the Coordination Meeting of the English-speaking network of UNCTAD/TrainForTrade Port Training Programme in Belfast 2013 it was agreed to extend a port performance project to include a workshop of all the network ports. At this workshop the goal will be to agree a set of metrics that can be used as port performance and benchmarking measures, the data collection work to provide the necessary inputs, and the nature of the resultant periodic reporting.